Thursday, September 4, 2014

What You Should Know About Warts

A small, unsightly but sometimes painful growth that usually appears on a person’s hands or feet and appears like a solid blister is called a wart. Warts however, can grow on other body parts as well.

Fortunately though, wart removal is a possibility and there are various products available on market that can help you get rid of such unsightly growth.

How Can I Get Infected With Warts?

Warts appear when wart-causing viruses, viruses that belong to human papillomavirus (HPV) come in contact with your skin and infect it. Your chances of developing warts increase if you bite fingernails and have cuts and nicks due to shaving as it becomes easier for the viruses to infest and infect broken skin.

Unfortunately though, warts are contagious and thus, if you shake hands with someone having warts on their hands, chances are high that you will also get them. Not only can warts be spread from one victim to another, warts can also spread from one part of your body to another, hence, it is important that you do not pick or touch your wart and if done so accidentally, wash your hands thoroughly.

Types of Warts

Some of the types of warts are:

Common Warts: Warts that appear on hands and fingers (mostly in children) and have bumpy, rough surface, are known as common warts.

Periungual Warts: Such warts are common in people who bite their finger nails and grow under and around finger nails.

Genital Warts: Genital warts are warts that appear on the genitalia.

Plantar Warts: Warts that grow on soles of feet are called plantar warts.

How Can I Get Rid of Warts?   

There are various products that can help you get rid of warts easily. While surgery too is an option, relatively safer options include tablets and ointments. ZymaDerm for Warts is a revolutionary product that works on all types of warts by shrinking and eliminating them.

Friday, June 20, 2014

How to pick ideal moisturiser for rosacea-prone skin?

People, who suffer from rosacea, have a very delicate skin that easily gets inflamed and develops redness. Drastic weather change can even trigger flushing of the skin in rosacea sufferers. So, with such a delicate skin, you should not risk using over-the-counter moisturisers that are loaded with harsh chemicals. While you use the most advanced product to treat rosacea, you won’t be able to get satisfactory results if you aren’t hydrating and protecting your skin in a proper way.

So, it is clear that picking the right moisturiser is the key to maintain rosacea-prone skin. As there is a wide range of moisturisers on the market, it is obvious to get confused regarding which is the ideal product for your skin. An ideal moisturiser should be able to:

  • Hydrate enough to makes skin smooth and supple
  • Prevent transdermal water loss
  • Improve skin’s natural moisture retention system
  • Get absorb rapidly to provide immediate hydration

Along with these qualities, the product should be cosmetically acceptable, hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic and long-lasting. As rosacea prone skin is sensitive to chemicals, you should use moisturiser that contains only natural ingredients.

You can either use a cream-based moisturiser or go for a serum. We recommend you to pick serum like Murad Sensitive Skin Soothing Serum. The reason we choose serum over creams is the former ones are deep penetrating, more effective and get absorbed in the skin quickly. While creams stick only to the top layer of your skin, serums are capable of reaching the internal layers to provide hydration and protection from inside.

To get maximum benefit out of your moisturiser, use it immediately after shower. This helps locking in the natural moisture, which keeps your skin soft and supple all day long. As rosacea prone skin is sensitive to sun and can develop redness after even a few minutes under direct sunlight. Hence, it is imperative to follow moisturiser with sun protection lotion.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

How to use Skin Doctors Powerbrasion System at home?

Do you have to spending hours in the parlour just to get a glowing and radiant skin? Is your regular facial at salon taking a toll on your pocket? There are many women, who have problematic skin, which needs regular care for maintenance. Spending so much money after every few days can cost you a lot, but still most continue to take parlour appointments thinking there is no way out. But, what if we tell you that there is a simple way to experience parlour like treatment at home? Surprised!

Skin Doctors Powerbrasion System is a home microdermabrasion kit that can help reduces the appearance of pores, blackheads, whiteheads and hyperpigmentation. With this kit you can experience the professional microdermabrasion results at the comfort of your home. Where salon treatments are expensive, painful and time taking, this advanced system is affordable, easy to use and completely painless.

This microdermabrasion kit comes Microdermabrasion Accelerator Unit, Intensive Microdermabrasion Crystals, 24 Hour resurfacing Cream and two replacement Micro-orbit heads. Follow the steps to use this system for skin care at home:

  • Properly cleanse you face with a mild cleanser and warm water.
  • Dot the microdermabrasion crystals all over your face and attach the micro-orbit heads to the accelerator unit.
  • Now pressure massage your entire face using circular motions. Focus on problem areas like T-Zone, chin and forehead.
  • After the treatment is complete, dust the crystals off with a dry towel.
  • Rinse your face thoroughly with warm water and pat dry.
  • Follow with gentle application of 24-hour resurfacing cream. If your skin feels a bit dry, follow with your regular moisturiser.

3 benefits of including exfoliation in your skincare regime

While regular cleaning and hydration of skin is important, benefits of exfoliation also can’t be ignored. No matter what your skin type is, exfoliation is the key to glowing and healthy skin. There are many exfoliates available on the market but it depends on your skin type that which one do you pick. Like most skin care products for women, exfoliates also come with a label that tells people of which skin type can use them. So, read the label carefully while buying exfoliates. If you are already exfoliating on a regular basis you are on the right path, but if you aren’t then start doing it now as it have several benefits. Here are few benefits of exfoliation:

Deeply cleanses the skin

With regular cleansing you can only remove impurities on the surface of the skin, but with exfoliation you can deeply clean your pores. For a healthy skin, it is essential that impurities and dead skin is regularly cleaned and complete cleaning is only possible with exfoliation.

Helps keep acne away

If you have acne prone skin, then exfoliation become more important as it helps clear breakout and prevents them from occurring again. If you pores are clogged with dead skin, sebum and impurities likelihood of breakout increases. With regular exfoliation you can unclog the pores and keep the acne problem at bay.

Help maintain elasticity of skin

Exfoliation speeds up skin renewal process, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. If your skin is ageing, then you must include exfoliation in your skin care regime in order to maintain the radiant glow.

There are many exfoliates available on the market, but we recommend using Murad Pomegranate Exfoliating Mask. This mask is enriched with antioxidants that protect skin against free radical damage. Unlike most products on the market, this exfoliating mask is suitable for all skin types.

Natural anti-acne treatment for controlling mild breakouts

Acne is never welcomed by anybody, whether it is a teenager or a mature 25 years old. It is an embarrassing skin condition that takes long to go away naturally. If you want to get rid of it as soon as possible, then you need anti-acne treatment. There are many treatments on the market that claim to reduce the breakouts. But before you buy any of them, it is essential to know that treatment depends on the kind of acne problem you have.

While some people only get pimples, others might suffer from painful cysts and nodules. For severe and painful ace, prescription treatment is the best solution. However, for mild acne you can use over-the-counter products. Here are two products that you can use to control mild breakouts:

Revitol Acnezine

Formulated using Benzoyl Peroxide 5%, this acne treatment helps reduce and stops future outbreaks. It is a specially designed product that combines topical as well as oral treatment. While you use topical cream to reduce the outer symptoms, the oral supplement helps eliminate the causes of acne from inside. This acne treatment is easily available over-the-counter without doctor’s prescription.

Trioxil Anti Acne Gel

It is a gel-based anti-acne product that targets the root cause of acne. Formulated with salicylic acid, bezoyl peroxide or tretinoin, this product offers fungicidal, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. The product has a nanosome delivery system, which makes it faster than others. While most acne products dry out the skin, this one contains moisturizing agents to combat dryness. You can easily buy Trioxil online without prescription from the doctor.

Both these treatments are natural and don’t cause any kind of side-effects. No matter what your age it, you can use these treatments for dealing with your acne issues.

Why you should avoid laser treatment for stretch marks removal?

Although stretch marks are harmless, there is not even one person who wants them. Whether you got them due to pregnancy or due to growth spurts during adolescence, you want to get rid of them no matter what. There are many stretch marks removal treatments on the market, but recently laser treatment has gained immense popularity among people.

The treatment uses short pulses of laser light on your skin. When this micro-fine light reaches the deep layers of skin, it helps restore skin elasticity and firmness. Although the treatment looks like the easiest and fastest way of getting rid of marks, it actually can be quite risky and ineffective. You might not know, but laser is only effective on people with light skin tone. If you have a darker skin tone, then you may not get any benefits from this treatment.

You require at least three to five treatment sessions for getting optimum results, which can be a costly affair. Disadvantages of laser don’t end here. Side effects like redness, itching and inflammation at the treatment site are common after every session. In some cases, you may also experience severe side-effects like blistering, bruising, lightening or darkening of skin colour or scarring. There is also a risk of infection, if your laser clinic doesn’t follow hygiene standards strictly.

So, if you were thinking of getting laser treatment for reducing stretch marks, then think again. It is always better to use natural treatment options as they are safe and don’t cause severe side-effects. You can consider using stretch marks creams for improving the skin appearance. While there are many creams on the markets, we recommend using Murad Body Firming Cream. It is an advanced formula that has been clinically-approved to firm skin up by 40% in just 15 minutes. Use the cream twice a day to improve elasticity and restore skin radiance.

3 quick ways to improve your skin quality

Thrilled about the weekend reunion party but worried about your looks? It can be a task to get glowing skin just days before a major event. Make-up can’t help lighten skin tone, getting rid of acne and hiding wrinkles perfectly. Fortunately, there are some quick-fixes that can help you cover up your problem areas and put your best foot forward. Here are some tips you can use:

Get a clean-up

If you don’t follow a proper skincare routine, then this one is a must. When you are getting ready for an event, you don’t want dead skin to make your face look uneven and dull. So, it is essential to clean it all up before anything else. You can visit a salon and get the thing done, but yes it can be expensive. If you are on a budget, then do a clean-up at home using kitchen ingredients. Sugar and olive oil mix is great for removing dead skin cells. Follow with a rosewater and cucumber mask to lighten up your skin. Do this 3 times before the date of the event.

Drink plenty of water

When it comes to glowing beautiful skin, there is nothing better than water. More the water you drink more glowing your skin will become. If you were drinking less than 8 glasses of water a day, then increase that immediately. Drink a lot of water for a week and you will see the difference in your skin for yourself. You might need to visit the washroom more than usual, but that is going to be worth it.

Got breakouts? Use spot treatment

If you have acne-prone skin, then you know how common it is to get an untimely pimple. With just few days to go for the event, it can be hard to do away with it naturally. Most women think of pricking the pimple, but that’s not the correct way to get rid of the problem. You can instead consider using spot treatment like Skin Doctors Zit Zapper. It just takes 8 hours to reduce the redness of pimple and speed up the recovery process.